Thriving instead of surviving. Discovering purpose instead of job hunting. Building community instead of just having coworkers -

this is what this course is about.

Feedback Sophia

Feedback Talzhibek

Feedback Elza

If you are an international professional ALREADY in the Netherlands


  • You will get a better job, a higher salary, or a career promotion while understanding the local work dynamics.

  • You will learn how to navigate conversations, build relationships, and shape your career for growth in the Dutch professional landscape

If you are a Young Graduate or a Professional who is currently NOT in the Netherlands

This is your golden opportunity to kickstart your career in NL

  • YOU will discover the ins and outs of moving to NL.

  • You will learn how to secure a job and get a Company`s sponsorship.

The "Get Your Dream Job in the Netherlands in 5 Weeks" will be held again soon

Let us know if you want to enroll

Course`s Program:

📚 Designed for ambitious individuals seeking an international career. 5 Modules will empower You to transition from local to global success

  • 5 Online Sessions with the TOP EXPERT, including Guidance, Tips, Roadmap and Strategy

  • 1:1 Session(s) depending on the Tariff with the Top Expert with Customised Guidance

  • Online Sessions with Invited Speakers - Industry Professionals

  • Access to Closed Development Space

  • Files Library, Access to Guides, Useful Articles, Insight Information on Local Companies and Immigration, Live Vacancies

  • Homework Support ( depending on the Tariff )

Sandugash is an Entrepreneur and Founder of consulting and executive education companies based in the Netherlands and Kazakhstan. She is a Founder of Brands: STEPPEBYSTEP.COM, Path2Sparks, SparksRetreats and 25 years Business Practitioner. Kazakh by origin, Dutch by nationality, and International by mindset, she lived, studied, and worked in 8 countries. She have occupied positions such as Vice President and Senior Managers in IT and finance. She is a Guest Lecturer at SWISS SASEM BUSINESS SCHOOL and the Hague University of Applied Sciences. She also serves as a Mentor in Cassini Business Accelerator and 2 Space Startups.

Sandugash Sembinova

Get Your Global Pass to Success By Enrolling in the Course


  • Module 1: Mastering Job Hunting in NL

    Understanding the NL Job Market; Crafting an Effective NL Job Search Strategy; Networking in NL; HOMEWORK

  • Module 2: Excelling in Interviews and Professional Communication

    Effective Communication in the Dutch Work Environment; Mastering communication styles and etiquette for workplace interactions

  • Module 3: Adapting to Dutch Work Culture and Dynamics

    Understanding Dutch Work Culture; Navigating Dutch workplace relationships: teamwork, collaboration

  • Module 4: Career Growth in NL

    Developing a personal career roadmap and setting achievable goals; Understanding the importance of adaptability; Building a Strong Professional Brand

  • Module 5: Integrating and Thriving in NL's Professional Sphere

    Cultural Integration and Community Engagement; DIversity; Seeking Sponsorship and Long-term Goals

This is the Standard package of the course

Main Features: 5 Live Online Sessions plus 5 Q&A Mentoring Live Sessions, Homework, Telegram Group

  • Access to Online Course materials for PLUS 1 - THREE months

  • Five weekly Online Sessions with the TOP EXPERT - LIVE

  • Five Online Weekly Group Mentoring Sessions: Q&A with TOP EXPERT

  • Files, program materials, helpful articles - Full Access

  • Access to a Closed Development Space Group.

  • Homework Assignments without Support.

Yes, I want to land a high-paying job in the Netherlands in 5 weeks

150 USD

Real Cases and Testimonials

Feedback from the Participants who have engaged with the Path2Sparks courses and programs has been overwhelmingly positive and transformative. Many participants have expressed newfound confidence in their job-seeking journey, attributing their success to the program's insightful guidance and practical approach.  


  • How long does the program last?

    The program spans over 5 weeks and is conducted entirely online.

  • What is the duration of access to the program?

    Access duration varies between 2 to 4 months, depending on the chosen tariff.

  • What mentoring options are available?

    Depending on the selected tariff, participants can access group or individual mentoring sessions tailored to their needs.

  • Are there opportunities to engage with top experts?

    Yes, depending on the tariff, participants will have exclusive meetings with industry experts, providing invaluable insights.

  • Will there be live sessions with the program creator?

    Absolutely! Depending on the tariff, participants will have live sessions directly with the program creator for personalized guidance and advice.

Here's Your Gift!

3 Secret Resources To Building a Fulfilling Life and Career In a New Country Without Stress

Claim your free step-by-step guide for effortless community building in your new country created with love by an expert who lived in 8 different countries